The Reality Distortion Field ?

There have been various discussions of Steve Jobs‘ “Reality Distortion Field”. Some might mean it indeed in the sense of distorting what is real. Others talk of Steve’s ability to convince one of things one did not actually believe.

But maybe – and then the name would not truly fit – it is about creating something better. For energy follows thought (cf. e.g. Mantak Chia’s advice for starting Tao Yoga), and when we live as if our vision was already manifest in the outer world, it shall be. (*)

But, actually, I believe in many cases at the very least, there was no distortion at all: Apple products simply a r e  great.

(*) We might get much more aware of that soon, I have heard yesterday in a conversation between Michelle Karen and Isbabel von Fallois on,  (Let us choose the optimum-vision only.).

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