
My Contributions

All my contributions are copyrighted either by me or by  those, whose materials I might – legally – use. In respect to graphical elements, you can go to the page from which the graphics stems and look there for further information.

Your Contributions

In principle, I lay no claims on your comments. But by posting, you agree for your material to be used within this blog, whatever transformation (name, web space etc.) it might undergo. I reserve the right, though, to edit (in this case, I will strive not to distort the views of the commentator, as far as that is possible, while editing, though this is not to be viewed as a legal obligation) and / or delete  comments others add to this blog. This may happen, for instance, if inappropriate wording is used or dangerous or illegal materials or links are being posted. You can find further information in my comment policies.

I furthermore reserve the right to move this blog, including the comments, to another web space and URL with another provider and in another country or on another planet , or to delete it altogether, including comments or contributions written by you or others.

If you have posted something you regret later, please contact me, and we can talk about whether and how we can remove it.