Connecting my Blogs

As you may know, I like beautiful names and domain names. This may also be one reason for having more than one blog. Yet, for my readers, it might be inconvenient having to follow all of them – so I wondered whether to either create a new one and post in various language there (I thought of, an idea that came to me while walking through Perth (speaking of names – one beautiful aspect of Waldorf schools, at least in Australia, is that many children have got very beautiful names). However, for now, it seemed I should keep my separate blogs for English (this one) and German (over here).

To yet make it easier for the reader, I will connect both blogs by posting a link to each article I have posted in the other language, that is here a link to my German articles, and over there to my English articles published here.

I will keep my third blog and my special interest blog’s separate as well, but might also include links to these on my German and English main blogs.

This will not be the case vice versa, however, so best you follow either this blog or my German blog, then you should find all or most of my articles.

For older articles, i. e. articles before today, nevertheless, you will still have to browse through the other blogs.

This means:

Enjoy reading!

A. M.

Joy and Dance

In the context of reading this article and a question here, I wrote:

Dance the dance of Joy,

dance the Freedom of your Love.

Dance the dance, no fear be nigh;

dance the dance, and from above

Heaven will its blessings bring. Heaven be thy Star;

dance the dance, infinity

brings the Light – no dark

shall rise again.


In you, there is but Freedom.

In you does Love prevail.

In you is precious Freedom;

in you does Love prevail.

On Right Writing

Eckhart Tolle gives some valuable advice for writers on how to tell a biographical story and still have the dimension of consciousness accessible in his first Google+ – Hangout here (in the second half of the hangout) in a reply to Wafa Lababneh.

(The hangout also contains advice on the education of young children and as to Love [also see here].)

Deepak Chopra on Oprah’s Lifeclass

I have just watched Deepak Chopra and Oprah in Oprah’s Lifeclass on OWN. As someone not from the U. S., I became more aware of her work through this event (also see here) with Eckhart Tolle.

She does a good job. [Incidentally, by the way, she also addresses the relationship between religion and spirituality I discussed in my previous post. Her stance of distinguishim them may be understandable especially in a country like America, where there are some quite fundamental people who might otherwise object to some of the important insights.]

Deepak Chopra gives some valuable advice during the broadcast – have a look!