Be still, my Soul, and Wonder

Be still, my soul and wonder
only about God.
What else there is to ponder?
There is no life, but God.

There is no Love, but in the One.
There is no Peace, but that one Sun
that shines in all, in everyone
and, thus, that is eternally.


(Normally, I might not have published the poem currently, especially as I am not entijrely sure as to the ending(*). The contents is fine, but perhaps it could have come out more artfully? But I wanted the final post for this year to be a positive one, so here it is.)

(*) When around “in all”, I also wondered whether it should go on with “in everything” (“in all, in everything”?), a bit later I wondered whether, to keep the rhyme by finishing with the words “and thus is the eternal One”.

New Posts in my German Blog

As I said I would “interlink” my two “main” blogs, here is a short overview over the articles in my German blog written this year:

There has been one poem, which you hopefully enjoy. (Of course, I have written many more, but mostly not published at the time of writing this) – although there are a few further verses in my Twitter account in case you have access.

If you are interested in learning a foreign language, you may (or may not, depending on your opinion or perspective in the respective matter and your flexibility) find my article about whether one should use another language than the one taught in language classes interesting.

Furthermore, there are two articles relating to the legal and political situation in Germany in particularly the past two years, with which a considerable part of society might not agree, though. I have written them more to make a statement, perhaps especially for myself as I am not sure whether there are not times where one ought to say something (but, of course, True Silence and Being is always essential, so I am not sure whether I did well to publish them), I guess, and to free myself of the respective thoughts. If you should be interested in them nevertheless, just have a look in the archives for 2022 in my German blog to find them, if you feel it could be good to do so.

And now: Come well into the next year, and may it bring peace again in Europe, and Peace to the world!

Boundless Joy

Boundless Joy.
On the Ocean of Bliss
my Heart rides out to you, Lord.

You are my comfort, my truth, and my Being.
Within you, surrounded by you
we are One.

The Ocean is endless. The Light is within,
there is naught but Truth,
and the Sky is the rim
of limitless Freedom;
for thus, I am Here:

To be Light, to be Love,
and thus, to be Free.

[The above version is what I wrote down first, although before writing it down, I imagined the third line would go rather into the direction as follows, so I wrote the following verses in order to see what would happen then (as I did not write it down immediately, I am not sure what it would have been, if I had):]


Boundless Joy.
On the Ocean of Bliss
my Heart rides out to you, Lord;
dissolving the patterns
that limit my watch.

Within me, there is Love.
Without me, there IS
the One. My Heart.
They meet.
And all
is fine. / One
in ItSelf.

[“is fine” and “One in ItSelf” are alternatives, I have not decided for now, as to which to use, so here are they both.]