New Posts in my German Blog

As I said I would “interlink” my two “main” blogs, here is a short overview over the articles in my German blog written this year:

There has been one poem, which you hopefully enjoy. (Of course, I have written many more, but mostly not published at the time of writing this) – although there are a few further verses in my Twitter account in case you have access.

If you are interested in learning a foreign language, you may (or may not, depending on your opinion or perspective in the respective matter and your flexibility) find my article about whether one should use another language than the one taught in language classes interesting.

Furthermore, there are two articles relating to the legal and political situation in Germany in particularly the past two years, with which a considerable part of society might not agree, though. I have written them more to make a statement, perhaps especially for myself as I am not sure whether there are not times where one ought to say something (but, of course, True Silence and Being is always essential, so I am not sure whether I did well to publish them), I guess, and to free myself of the respective thoughts. If you should be interested in them nevertheless, just have a look in the archives for 2022 in my German blog to find them, if you feel it could be good to do so.

And now: Come well into the next year, and may it bring peace again in Europe, and Peace to the world!

True Solutions, Invented Problems and Language Fascism

If you are interested in how gender ideology tries to influence the German language and in my perspective on that, have a look at my respective article in German here. If you do not read German, I could imagine you might understand it with the help of e.g. The craziness continues on an even higher level here, but you will only understand the latter article if you know about German grammar.

The article also contains the explanation of why there were no new articles here for a while. In short: After the GDPR came into final effect, I was not too much looking forward to having to rewrite or ammend my privacy policy and to sort out how to make my websites and blogs compatible. In the end, with many of my sites, including this blog, I figured this out. That was last year in summer, and since then I had not been particularly inspired to write a new article.

But now, here is one :-)  

Big Webmail Service Making You Lose Part of Your Copyrights

I recently wrote an article about a paragraph in the Microsoft Services Agreement which, as it seems to me, implies your copyrights are transferred to those receiving your messages or calls, which would not only concern Hotmail / Outlook and Windows online, but also Skype, as it seems to me. You can find the article in German here.

Connecting my Blogs

As you may know, I like beautiful names and domain names. This may also be one reason for having more than one blog. Yet, for my readers, it might be inconvenient having to follow all of them – so I wondered whether to either create a new one and post in various language there (I thought of, an idea that came to me while walking through Perth (speaking of names – one beautiful aspect of Waldorf schools, at least in Australia, is that many children have got very beautiful names). However, for now, it seemed I should keep my separate blogs for English (this one) and German (over here).

To yet make it easier for the reader, I will connect both blogs by posting a link to each article I have posted in the other language, that is here a link to my German articles, and over there to my English articles published here.

I will keep my third blog and my special interest blog’s separate as well, but might also include links to these on my German and English main blogs.

This will not be the case vice versa, however, so best you follow either this blog or my German blog, then you should find all or most of my articles.

For older articles, i. e. articles before today, nevertheless, you will still have to browse through the other blogs.

This means:

Enjoy reading!

A. M.

May you Break the Rule?

I have been recently telling to some students an old story, which I embellished a bit.

The content of that addition led to the question (which, then, if I reflect upon it, could be a call for me to consider whether I should rather not have added that part….), whether that was my permission to “break the rules”.

That depends, of course, on the nature of the rule or rules to which you are referring, and, possibly, on your aims or motives (which, at this stage, does not imply that the ends justify the means).

There are quite a few systems of rules. As I have shown in detail in my book “Menschenwürde und Völkerrecht. Mensch, Gerechtigkeit, Frieden“, law, as well as all the other subsystems of rules, like moral, ethics etc., can be considered an (n-minus-x-dimensional) subsystem in an n-dimensional co-ordinate system. The subsystems may overlap.

Thus, the origin, the core and the source of each system’s rules is derived (finds its own source) in the n-dimensional system’s origin.

Therefore, the subsystems will be in harmony with the original system, and, ultimately, with each other.

Yet, if we look into the world, it seems there is a lot of disharmony, both in people’s actions, as well as between various systems.

So either the above is not true, or something else is not true. Either we believe in a world (the term being used here in its broadest, a higher sense, not only and specifically not mainly referring to the “material” world) of disharmony, or in a common / widespread distorted perception.

From all l believe and from what seems more probable to me, the latter, at the time of writing this, is the case. People do not really see reality, as it is, they see subjective versions, conditioned, programmed, by their education, their surroundings and their own beliefs which are connected to and derived from that. This was, what I had intended by telling the story in the first place (for the story see here and here, another good story as to this is Plato’s Cave Allegory). (For how to get rid of this distorted perception, feel free to have a look at the books I have suggested here [English, less extensive draft version here.].)

Thus, we can assume that the systems as such are perfectly in harmony, it is only what people create from their distorted ideas, i.e. how they put the ideas of these systems into (then distorted by their minds and in a non-complying) manifestation. There is a beautiful wording by, possibly, I think, Heraclitos: The Law as hidden Order (in German: das Recht als verhüllte Ordnung),

This means, that, if we are in harmony with All That There [Truly] IS [again, see here for how to BE THAT], we simply will not break any rules, for our actions are in harmony with the systems, in the systems, and our [true!] being is actually the source of all of these [I believe – but at the very least it is in harmony, like the rays of the sun are in harmony with the sun].

The “rules” we might break, though, sometimes, by following the true Rules, are the rules formed by a distorted mind – and quite a few “worldly” rules in quite a few countries may be amongst them.

So, how should we deal with these “rules”, though rules they may be called and in the written laws they may stand? There are a few sayings in tradition which can indicate a way, for example: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s” or – if properly understood (see my book mentioned above for an explanation)! – “suum cuique”

In fact, if we would like to go through live true to what we believe or feel and yet not land in jail (or, my dear language students, with extra homework or avisos), a certain “pragmaticism” might be prudent: If following the man-made rules does not harm your integrity, why not do it? Before breaking any rule, you should always be aware of the risks and potential consequences. We should also be aware of whether a man-made rule might not actually still be an acceptable or binding reflection or manifestation of a true rule. The Categorical Imperative by Kant and the “Golden Rule” might be ideas to consider in reflecting upon that. Furthermore: living harmoniously in society does mean we need to give the others space. While in us there may be such joy or sadness that we feel we need to express them now, or while in us may be the urge just to tell our neighbour this or that, others might not feel the same at that time. Each of our actions has an impact on those around us, whether seen or unseen. Each of our actions can give them more space, respect there space or – infringe upon it.

True harmony lets us always be in harmony with our surroundings as much as possible. True harmony will even take us, ultimately, out of harmonious or distorted situations, because they simply will not be a “fitting match”, so to speak, I believe. Being in the flow, there should be no obstacles (or at least no permanent ones, perhaps interesting in this context this page).

“A lot to think about before ‘rule-breaking'”, you might say. Well – yes, but… only as long as you are still on your way to  [the Realisation of] your True Self. Once you [realise you] are what you are, your actions, I believe, shall flow effortlessly, and there will be no question at all whether to do this or that, break man-made rules or comply, because everything you do or say is an expression of harmony itself.

Until then, for the question of whether to break a distorted rule (or not), one will have to think, reflect upon potential consequences, both for oneself and others, and (!) listen to one’s intuition (some aspects of decision-making through intuition I have discussed here).

Version 1.2, November 2017 (spelling corrected January 2025)