One or a few Poems (maybe just online for a short while)

While doing maintenance, it cannot be bad to post a poem in-between (with a few rather “personal” comments as I tend to add them for me, at least). It may disappear, once maintenance is over:

Don’t be sad, don’t be angry;
Life is, what it is.
Happiness below the sky
cannot be, it is

just a blossoming of light,
until ye morn,
beware the tide,
beware the oceans,
beware the sea,
there is but One Life:
Come and See!

Come and sing,
the Stars are always waiting;
come and see,
the Stars are always there!

Come and See, enlightenment does call you;
come and see; be free!

[Als die erste Zeile des Folgenden kam, wollte ich nur schnell notieren, daß das auf die Melodie von 「こわれそうな」zu singen sei, aber danach oder bei den darauf folgenden Zeilen schien mir das schon vorher nicht mehr so.]

There is no Light but Love
and through the Skys you see
the one Heart,
and the oceans
that bring your boat to Me
are from the woods of Destiny
which calls you: “Come, and see

the Light within, the Light without –
and bring your Heart to me,
the Oceans and the Firewind,
abound the people, be thy wind,
and lest the shadow does prevail,
come and clear the silver-sea.”

Generell wurde mein Schreiben etwas dadurch beeinträchtigt, daß das da gerade langsame Prozessieren meines hübschen Computers (hatte ich zu voll geladen) ein Weitertippen nicht zuließ.

Den Weg mit Herz gehen


Diese Nacht habe ich einen interessanten Film gesehen – das koreanische Original [auf Deutsch, man kann ihn übrigens auf Deutsch online finden, etwa auf, soweit das am Abrufort legal ist oder bei amazon erwerben] – : My Sassy Girl (kor. 엽기적인 그녀 bzw. 獵奇的인 그女; Yeopgijeogin geunyeo).

In den letzten Monaten habe ich mich beim Anschauen asiatischer Filme etwas zurückgehalten, da ich dachte, das täte ich besser in Asien; und bei japanischen Filmen war ich mir nicht immer sicher, inwieweit es gut sei, das jetzt zu aktualisieren.

Dieser Film aber hat sich emotional gesehen und vielleicht auch spirituell gelohnt, jedenfalls enthält er eine tiefe Lehre am Ende.

Auf Grund der potentiellen Gesetzeslage zitiere ich die Worte dort lieber gerade nicht, aber die Essenz ist diese, die ich hier in einem Gedicht ausdrucken möchte… Dachte ich, nun habe ich vielleicht auch anderes gesagt. Der Film ist auf jedenfalls sehr schön und kann zu Vertrauen führen. Ich erinnere mich auch wieder an Gespräche mit einem Freund in Japan über “縁”.

Follow your heart, wherever it leads you,

thou shalt be fine. For fate cannot hinder

what needs to blossom

within and without

fate is the servant

of Heart.

Thus, it shall be.


Der Titel meines Eintrages verrät, worauf es hinausläuft. Wenn man auf die Worte am Ende des Filmes hört, kann man besser und glücklicher durch das Leben gehen, denke ich.

If I want to live. If I want

to be the Light,

if I want to give,

if I want to stop the fight,


I will have to be the stars,

I will have to seek

that, what truely is;

my light, shall it be not meek.



Grammatically, should the last line read “it shall be…”?

I wrote the poem when wondering what to do next.



On Right Writing

Eckhart Tolle gives some valuable advice for writers on how to tell a biographical story and still have the dimension of consciousness accessible in his first Google+ – Hangout here (in the second half of the hangout) in a reply to Wafa Lababneh.

(The hangout also contains advice on the education of young children and as to Love [also see here].)

On the Power of Ideas

I just have seen the second part of “Schutzengelngel auf Skiern” (Terror on Skis) from the series “Charlie’s Angels” (“Drei Engel für Charlie”).

There was a scene, in which, while evil took its course in the whiteness of the winter world, the people were celebrating on the hills, the lights looking like glow worms at night – a beautiful scene. And, yet, there was terror, not far distant.

That terror only could take place, because someone believed in an idea – and acted, as the construction of thought that possessed him seemed to bide.

The world would be a beautiful place, if we would not act on our ideas, but let life create through us unobstructedly. Any fighting is between ideas, any wrong is done, because someone believes in or fears something. Fear itself may be an emotion.

But, as is the separation of the world in good and bad, based on an idea: the idea, that one is separate – for only in separateness, or from the idea of separateness – the idea, that something is or might be lost, can fear arise.

That separateness is the “cause of all our woe“.

Therefore, in the world the power of thought, the power to disseminate, to impart ideas, is truly great – and maybe there could lie a task for those, whose gifts are the words (also cf. here). But, yet, the higher power lies in the REALISATION, that separateness does not, will not, and did never exist, but as a thought, the veil of Maya.

Let us all SEE.


is nothing

but what IS.


be HIS

and blessed

by the Force

that transcends

the idea of duality

in you, in me, in everyone.


It is done.


Remark: I am not sure I should have included the poem in this post.

Inspired by W. E. Hanley (and Leonard Nimoy)

After retweeting this tweet and reading the previous tweets ( by Leonard Nimoy from W. E. Hanley’s “Invictus”. I tried to let me inspire. It may not be my finest work, but still I feel I should put the verses, that came, here:

I love thee, dear – no fear to be
a truth at all, for once you are
what heaven wants, t h a t is what b e.
For thou art HIS, yes, all around.

A bit later I wrote:

I shall not fear,
but rise anew
to where my sun has gone.

I am of Life,
and I renew –
just as my Life
is all that is.

Let’s found our own universities

Ich las gerade, und ich dachte: “Let’s fund our own universities. Let’s build our own society. And when the old one is gone, ours shall stand.”

[Hintergrund – ehm… I am aware of the language-mix… –: I like studies like that, libraries… haven’t done so for quite a while.

If the universities still governed by so called “rational” people with a limited perceptiveness for what truly IS cannot give us what we need, why not found our own? It has already started, in the U.S., in Australia, too (thinking about the Endeavour College of Natural Health). In the end, it is in our hands, and if we just live as we ought to, we will have the new society while the old one vanishes. Thus, the transition should work fine.

The previous paragraph may come from the personality or ego, but the first one should stand.]

Deepak Chopra on Oprah’s Lifeclass

I have just watched Deepak Chopra and Oprah in Oprah’s Lifeclass on OWN. As someone not from the U. S., I became more aware of her work through this event (also see here) with Eckhart Tolle.

She does a good job. [Incidentally, by the way, she also addresses the relationship between religion and spirituality I discussed in my previous post. Her stance of distinguishim them may be understandable especially in a country like America, where there are some quite fundamental people who might otherwise object to some of the important insights.]

Deepak Chopra gives some valuable advice during the broadcast – have a look!