A Visit to the Steve Irwin of Sea Shepherd

After having noticed at the Seminar where I am currently enrolled in a part-time course in Steiner (Waldorf-) education for the high school, that a few people were wearing shirts or caps with the Sea Shepherd Logo, it turned out that three of the four current ships of the Sea Shepherd are anchoring in Williamstown, rather close to where I live. Interestingly, it is possible to visit them (still through the entire November, on the weekends). So today, I stood on the bridge of the Steve Irwin.

It is impressive to see these ships and meet the people and get an insight into their courage – particularly a video that is being shown in the mass conveys how ruthless the Japanese whalers follow their cruel path. They rammed the Steve Irwin in such a way that the captain had to send Mayday, and it was reported that they threw an explosive onto the tank ship next to the Steve Irwin. A tank (!) ship…

While I may yet be undecided what to think about ramming those ships which breach international law, and throwing stink bombs, I wonder – without actually having looked it up, my books of International Law being all in Germany – whether it could be considered a case of necessity as excuse or justification (in German: rechtfertigender or entschuldigender Notstand), or of an application of natural law.

In any case, one has to be impressed with what the people of Sea Shepherd, most being volunteers, and even the specialists sometimes volunteering, as I have heard, do and dare.

I wish them well, and that dolphins, whales and sharks may be protected from human hunters.

When in Japan – let us all hope that the massacres at Taiji (see here for a film [I have not watched it]) shall find an end soon; the good thing is, that, when some years ago I asked some of my Japanese students what they thought about the killing of whales, they found it a bad thing, so even there, consciousness is awake, and there appear to be crew members from Japan –, I made a point of donating with my Japanese credit card… When thinking about the legal aspects, I am not clear whether I may officially recommend it, in any case, buying some food (for or from the crew), going to their shop and buy a cap or sweater, or just donating (fortunately, they are living totally vegan when on board) would certainly help those whom they have decided to protect and serve.

Please do help to protect the whales, dolphins, sharks and seals. Look around – there are ample opportunities to donate or help in various ways. And alert your politicians. They fear the voters, so if we urge them to do what is right, and to stand up to those who kill, then, too, help shall come.

Hints as to Health

A. Preliminary Remark

A while ago, I wrote this article in German. The article you are reading now is a free translation of it, which I make available here as I needed to translate it anyhow. While many of the links may lead to German websites, you may be able to understand their content by using e.g. Google Translate.

The article discusses some questions of health, for which the right diet is something to be considered.

Important Remark: I am a vegetarian and would like to ask you to definitely observe that, as far as the books and links mentioned below contain dietary information, I do not at all wish to cause any animal loose its life because of that, even if certain foods derived from animals should be discussed or propagated in these books or links. On the contrary, I would like to specifically point to the terms of use of my websites, a part of which is this disclaimer. I am definitely of the opinion that everyone should be at least a vegetarian, better still something even more advanced (for details and alternatives see here) and would like to state that I do not share any recommendations which, directly or indirectly, lead to the killing of animals or other individualised beings. If you read on, you accept full responsibility for all your deeds which follow from reading this article – in any case, you indemnify me from any karmic responsibility for that.

B. In Detail

Here you can find some hints to certain specific questions of health and diet. For a general overview over books and methods which might contribute to health, please see int. al. my (draft) comments here (healing)here (health) and here (diet), which I might still expand and update. Even more rudimentary hints in English (draft state) can be found here (health) and here (diet), but please check the German versions, too, as they may be more complete at the moment.

I. Health and Diet

When still in Germany and visiting my dentist, who has an extensive knowledge in the fields of health and healing in general, for teeth cleaning, we were also talking about the question of dementia in Germany. She mentioned there would certainly be fewer people suffering from it e.g. in Malaysia at the time of our conversation, and that her professors, even in old age, had retained military snappishness and power (she comes from another country). She related it to “Bewegung” [movement – excercise?] (or, I am not sure, did she say that in relation to cardiac health?) and diet.

Additionally she gave me the hints and named the titles (I have left the German titles, I am sure some of them will be available in English, if you cannot figure out the English titles, please feel free to ask me for help) below of which it is my impression that it might be good, to present them here to a still broader audience:

• The “GREEn Smoothies” [which one can prepare oneself and which also help against feeling tired]

Christian Guth und Burkhardt Hickisch: Grüne Smoothies. Here at amazon.de [affiliate-link].

Victoria Boutenko: Grüne Smoothies. Here at amazon.de [affiliate-link].

Victoria Boutenko: Green for Life. Here at amazon.de [Affiliate-Link] (please note that, despite the title, the link leads to the German version).

Here is also a contribution in Dreamhealer’s Blog as to the subject.

If buying smoothies in a shop, please make sure that they are at least vegetarian. At the time of writing this (October 2013), I had just noticed that e.g. the Boost-smoothies are not necessarily vegetarian. The yoghurt contains gelatine. When I enquired back why and mentioned that it ought to be easy to use cruelty free yoghurt, I did not receive a further response.

• Additionally the books named below for diet and “brain Fitness”:

Alberto Villoldo and David Perlmutter: Das erleuchtete Gehirn. Here at amazon.de [Affil.-Link].

For those who are critical as to esoterism (as the book was labelled as “esoteric” by its German publisher): The english original title is “Power up your Brain” and the Czech one is (in Czech) “Fitness for the Brain” or something similar. The authors are working strictly scientifically, therefore please do not let yourself be deterred from the term “esoteric” (which would be quite unwise anyway, because true esoterism is, of course,something positive – things that would have to be criticised would not unlikely be distortions).

Christian Opitz: Befreite Ernährung. Here at amazon.de [affiliate-link].

Bruce Fife: Stopp Alzheimer! Here at amazon.de [affiliate-link]. An additional practice book is available (I am not sure which I had been recommende, but I assume it is the one I had just mentioned first?): here at amzon.de [affil.-link].

Joachim Mutter: Lass dich nicht vergiften. Here at amazon.de [affiliate-link].

Norman Doidge: Neustart im Kopf: Wie sich unser Gehirn selbst repariert. Here at amazon.de [affiliate-link].

Burkhard Sieper / Michael Eisenmann: Fit in die Kiste. Here by amazon-Affil.-Link.

• It could also be quite recommendable to undergo a nutritonal analysis:

To visit Dr. Runow (http://www.umweltmedizin.org/, also see. http://fmed.de/) and read his books, e.g. “Nervenschutz durch Entgiftung” (affiliate-link here, also see review here), could be helpful, she reflected.

• And as to Coconut Oil:

Finally, she also pointed me to the coconut oil offered by  Dr. Goerg also see http://www.virgin-coconut-oil.de/. I am not entirely sure about the context, but it was at least also in the context of the question whether this could be better suited for the “oil pulling” (which could be done in the mornings and evenings) then the sesame oil recommended in Ayurveda. By using the oil, one can not only detox, but also remove the “bad” bacteria from inside of the mouth. It appears that this coconut oil, which is not [this is what the German text said, I hope I am got it correctly there?] the oil which is won from the green coco nuts still on the tree, from nuts “with which the monkeys play football”, so from the respective quality…

II. Diaphragm cramps – Magnesiumchlorid (also read in general, i.e. if not concerned by the problem)

We also talked about diaphragm cramps. For legal reasons, of course, we cannot give recommendations, but to consider would certainly be, whether not, after thorough examinations whether not physical causes are given (perforations, other problems) it could be sensible to write meticulously into a diary what one has eaten or drunk [I am not sure whether I added the “drunk” myself, might not be recalled correctly] before the phenomenon occurs. One could also and especially research, whether one would take magnesium chloride (maybe one would also wish to have a look if one is not affected by the phenomenon?) or, if adequate, magnesium phosphoricum (also see here) of the Schuessler salts (Schüßler Salze). Furthermore, one could certainly consider the idea to visit someone able in visceral osteopathy.

III. Further Links

http://www.garten-treffpunkt.de/ (if one would like, for example, to read about ingredients for the green smoothies)

http://www.palaeo-power.de/ I have not looked into yet, I suspect it could be found helpful, but of course, I definitely ask you not to eat or drink anything for which animals die. Please observe my disclaimer.

http://www.cognifit.com/, especially http://www.cognifit.com/de/gehirnplastizität (in this context, I also had to think of kinesiology, especially BrainGym (as my respective specific English page is not yet ready, you could look for a few kinesiology related books also here, for now).

As an authority of dental medicine, by the way, my dentist often referred to Prof. Dr. Einwag.

Remark: I might or might not update this article. The current version is version 1.1 (English; April 2014), corresponding to the German version 1.3.

What the Internet also Reflects

While I have noticed that one really needs to be careful not to dive too deeply into the net for too long a time and longer periods of internet absence this year due to moving twice allowed me to read more (one really has to be careful to notice whether the information one really needs are better or more efficiently gathered from books or the net, unless it is a mixture, of course; ultimately, though, one ought to not forget that there may also be guidance “within” or from higher realms, and there is also the HEART, which should know… ) I found an interesting view expressed by Pippa Merivale (Metatronic Life) in her newsletter from September 19th: the internet depicted as a “material expression of the much deeper matrix of compassion: the universal synthesiser”.

In my eyes, at least many an endeavour and every longing of man to be together can be seen as a reflection or manifestation of the longing for the ONENESS.


Australia: Information and Links

If you are interested in Information about Australia, you might be interested in a new webpage I have created. It can serve especially those who wish to emigrate, who want to work or live in Australia or simply stay for longer, but I believe it can also be helpful to the traveller.

It is in German, but just use Google Translate, especially, as many linked websites will be in English.

Have a look at my new information page.

Interesting Job: Romanticiser

Did you know the job of a romanticiser? His task, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung (China, wie es tanzt und lacht, 13. März 2013, Reise, V3), to make real the wishes, needs and preferences of the guests, whether those express them or not.

You can get your personal romanticiser if you book one of the villas of the Ritz-Carlton at Yalong Bay, Hainan, China, it seems.

I have been wondering whether to make that a part of my series on nice jobs, and I guess I could, in a way, but from a spiritual perspective I am wondering whether I should. For the FAS describes the romanticizer as a “professional expert of projection” – and our aim is REALITY, is it not?

So if the guest’s wish is beauty, the job should be quite nice, for is not “beauty the highest good”, as the Avesta, I think, says? But if those wishes, needs or preferences diverge from the sacred path (if they can…)…

I am not sure I would like to cater to all the wishes guests there may have. However, it is quite an interesting, almost tempting job for those who do not care so much for truth…

If you should ever have the position of an expert in Beauty and Spiritual Direction, a Beautifier or a Spiritualiser or at least Esotericiser to be filled, please do let me know...

Nice Jobs (III): Reisemarschall

This is a job so seldom nowadays that I had difficulties finding the English translation in the two online dictionaries I normally use for a first glance: be a Reisemarschall.

A bit of googling brought me to terms like “coordinator of the papal trips” (which would be correctly describing Mr. Gaspari’s position as “Päpstlicher Reisemarschall”, of course, but would be too specific as a general term, even if he may be the only Reisemarschall left – yet “coordinator of the [enter head of state’s title] may be an option, although not sounding as traditional as the German term “Reisemarschall”) or “Papal traveling coordinator” (the latter link showing you can even get a decoration for doing your job from the King of Spain and giving the option of “traveling coordinator” as a general job title).

As I visited Rome and the Vatican State last year, and as I love going on trips abroad, and as I am fond of good hotels and nobility, I guess that would be a great job : ) .

By the way: Other interesting facts I found during my research are that the Pope has got a fan club, and that there even exists a graphic novel (affiliate link: Habemus Papam! Pope Benedict XVI) about him.