
It seems that I should publish this poem:

I live by the Grace of God;
and Him alone
I do defend. 

The Silence deeply in my heart,
there is no knee I have to bend,
there are no bows which I should make,

For I am Him.
The hour late
and yet unborn my Stillness lies.

But, once there shall be Paradise,

and I shall be its highest price,
and God, and I
we see – then, thrice,
the Love through our eyes evade
to humankind.
To Love. The shade

in which it flourishes. The Sun
through which it grows.
And once it's done,
together other worlds we form
and stand, all one, beyond each form,

united, free, and ever-One
till our Sun
in us has shone

and our eyes themselves do see:
Just one in one, You, Him, and Me.

Continue reading

Be still, my Soul, and Wonder

Be still, my soul and wonder
only about God.
What else there is to ponder?
There is no life, but God.

There is no Love, but in the One.
There is no Peace, but that one Sun
that shines in all, in everyone
and, thus, that is eternally.


(Normally, I might not have published the poem currently, especially as I am not entijrely sure as to the ending(*). The contents is fine, but perhaps it could have come out more artfully? But I wanted the final post for this year to be a positive one, so here it is.)

(*) When around “in all”, I also wondered whether it should go on with “in everything” (“in all, in everything”?), a bit later I wondered whether, to keep the rhyme by finishing with the words “and thus is the eternal One”.

Recent Posts on my German Blog (Power, Structures, Walking Your Path)

With only a few more days of the year in which I have written this left, and in the light of the assumption that there is a possibility that I might neither post here nor on my German blog for quite a while, and as I had written a while ago that I would point out articles in one language in the other, I would simply like to quickly name those recent articles on my German blog to which I have not linked here yet.

These are:

  • A poetical article about the power we have, perhaps even, essentially, are and a reminder, therefore, about the power of our thougths.
  • An article about (the search for) structures and their or its potential abuse (or perhaps even the erroneous interpretation of something as a structure interpreted in a certain sense)
  • A poem which might help those who are marginalised by the opinions expressed most loudly and prominently in the society or environment they live in.

Stream of Love

Stream of Love. 
Highest of the Morning.
Stream of Love. Thy Heart, it is true.

Stream of Love. Endless Ocean,
beyond all senses,
endless, and hue

of the sunlight. The Light of the stars
shines beyond that what seems;

shines in the ground, and shines in the heavens
shines in that what you are.
Shines – thy God,

endless, and free
eternally thee.

By the way: Here is also an poem for Easter in German, and here is another poem written a short while ago for Interplanetar. 
And now, there is also a third one inspired by the title of this one here.


Joy and Dance

In the context of reading this article and a question here, I wrote:

Dance the dance of Joy,

dance the Freedom of your Love.

Dance the dance, no fear be nigh;

dance the dance, and from above

Heaven will its blessings bring. Heaven be thy Star;

dance the dance, infinity

brings the Light – no dark

shall rise again.


In you, there is but Freedom.

In you does Love prevail.

In you is precious Freedom;

in you does Love prevail.

Den Weg mit Herz gehen


Diese Nacht habe ich einen interessanten Film gesehen – das koreanische Original [auf Deutsch, man kann ihn übrigens auf Deutsch online finden, etwa auf myvideo.de, soweit das am Abrufort legal ist oder bei amazon erwerben] – : My Sassy Girl (kor. 엽기적인 그녀 bzw. 獵奇的인 그女; Yeopgijeogin geunyeo).

In den letzten Monaten habe ich mich beim Anschauen asiatischer Filme etwas zurückgehalten, da ich dachte, das täte ich besser in Asien; und bei japanischen Filmen war ich mir nicht immer sicher, inwieweit es gut sei, das jetzt zu aktualisieren.

Dieser Film aber hat sich emotional gesehen und vielleicht auch spirituell gelohnt, jedenfalls enthält er eine tiefe Lehre am Ende.

Auf Grund der potentiellen Gesetzeslage zitiere ich die Worte dort lieber gerade nicht, aber die Essenz ist diese, die ich hier in einem Gedicht ausdrucken möchte… Dachte ich, nun habe ich vielleicht auch anderes gesagt. Der Film ist auf jedenfalls sehr schön und kann zu Vertrauen führen. Ich erinnere mich auch wieder an Gespräche mit einem Freund in Japan über “縁”.

Follow your heart, wherever it leads you,

thou shalt be fine. For fate cannot hinder

what needs to blossom

within and without

fate is the servant

of Heart.

Thus, it shall be.


Der Titel meines Eintrages verrät, worauf es hinausläuft. Wenn man auf die Worte am Ende des Filmes hört, kann man besser und glücklicher durch das Leben gehen, denke ich.

On Right Writing

Eckhart Tolle gives some valuable advice for writers on how to tell a biographical story and still have the dimension of consciousness accessible in his first Google+ – Hangout here (in the second half of the hangout) in a reply to Wafa Lababneh.

(The hangout also contains advice on the education of young children and as to Love [also see here].)

Deepak Chopra on Oprah’s Lifeclass

I have just watched Deepak Chopra and Oprah in Oprah’s Lifeclass on OWN. As someone not from the U. S., I became more aware of her work through this event (also see here) with Eckhart Tolle.

She does a good job. [Incidentally, by the way, she also addresses the relationship between religion and spirituality I discussed in my previous post. Her stance of distinguishim them may be understandable especially in a country like America, where there are some quite fundamental people who might otherwise object to some of the important insights.]

Deepak Chopra gives some valuable advice during the broadcast – have a look!